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I am Faithful

Susan Shultz

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

My people, I am a faithful God. Everything I do exists within this attribute of Me. Know then that if I have instilled desires within you, longings, that they will be fulfilled. Though you have waited long, I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT. I have had a reason for the waiting, truly great purpose. For within it I have refined you, disciplined you, sought you, cared for you, and truly loved you. I have never left you and I have not forgotten about you. I remembered Joseph. Though he was imprisoned, I remembered him when the time was right and I brought him before pharaoh for great purpose, for fulfillment. Oh, sweet fulfillment, you have a season, you have a destiny, and you WILL, WILL befall My chosen people.

Dreams, visions, callings, purpose created just for you - I know you think that this world has stunted these things and created a new path in which these are no longer real or relevant. WHAT LIES. Lies the enemy greatly wants you to believe. But My children hear My voice now - the world is ready and has been primed FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. It is your time, your season, not to hide away in defeat and despair but to rise and shine and testify like never before. Hold your heads high and remember who lives inside of you - THE FAITHFUL ONE on high. I am faithful. I am faithful and I will not disappoint.

At this point I paused writing because I noticed a couple sitting down in my row. They had their new adopted baby with them. They had wanted to adopt a baby for a very long time and had been through very trying times but in that moment, they were a sign of God’s faithfulness, and I knew He was speaking to me through them.

He then said:

I am faithful. I am faithful. I am faithful. I am worthy of your praise. I instilled a longing within this couple for a child and though they went through the desert and reached the brink of hopelessness, I came through for them. I am a faithful God, faithful from one generation to the next. If I place a desire in your heart then don’t lose hope. Know that it WILL come to pass and that if it feels you have waited long that I have a reason for that. My true word to you today - in a world that seems to be canceling callings, visions, and truth, I am about to move like never before. I am about to pour out My Spirit like never before. Like Joseph you have been imprisoned but I am about to free you for great purpose. Believe. Believe and rejoice. Amen and amen.

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