("The Unveiling" Series - Post 1)
My biggest struggle right now is how my calling and testimony will fit into the world today. There is so much going on in the world that it feels like my calling has been canceled and that there no longer is a need for my testimony. I know these are lies from the enemy but still a struggle nonetheless, and I know that I am not the only one that feels this way.
Before church (2-12-23), I began to think about the need to go through my testimony and to gather and or glean the most important stories that could be shared now. I thought about how it’s time to get them out there. After this thought, I read a devotional that really spoke to me. It first referenced John 21:25 which says, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” Then pointed out that John had more material than he could possibly use. This is how I feel! It then went onto say that because of this that John’s strategy was to only focus on a few selected miracles or signs that served the most to prove Jesus’ claims, saying “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 21: 31). Out of the mountains of evidence, John provided what God led him to share.
Again, I cannot even begin to express how much that resonated with me. If you have followed me at all then you may remember me mentioning that God had me write thousands of pages years ago and I have been waiting ever since to see how God will use it, pages filled with testimony and through this testimony, prophecy.
When I got to church, God said:
Susan, is not My view contrary to the world? I don’t promise a better world, a brighter world, but I do promise that your place within it will be ordained, protected, prosperous, fruitful, and full, and I mean FULL, of purpose. Don’t despise the humble beginnings you have had Susan, but know that a new day dawns. You will rise. You will shine, all through the power of My Spirit. Susan, this world IS headed for darkness but this will only serve for your light to shine brighter. . . Your time is now not just someday. Now while also ongoing and someday. Use your time wisely Susan. Pick up your testimony for you gleaned My Spirit correctly this morning. Your testimony is full of wisdom and it’s time for the world to hear it. I will guide you, Susan. I will open your eyes and heart to the most relevant portions and you will be amazed at how I will weave them together. . .Despite the darkness, I will make a way. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can stop My Word, My testimony.
My people, no matter how the enemy manifests himself, I am still greater. Fear not for he must flee, always, in the Name of Jesus. Don’t give into fear. My command to “Fear not” surpasses it all, everything, now and always. Now and always. Now and always. No matter what you see, feel, or experience, I am still on the throne and I offer you My full protection through My Spirit. Remember that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Death is not something to fear. What you should fear is straying from the mission, being deceived, and giving into the fear of the enemy. For no matter what you see or experience, the mission stays the same - to know Me and to make Me known, to testify to the Lord Jesus Christ. My people I have given you everything you need to overcome the days ahead. You just have to claim it. You just have to receive it - it is the blood of Jesus that has overcome, and life and power in My Spirit. SIT AT MY FEET. I cannot stress this enough - SIT AT MY FEET. Let Me fill you with my truth and My Spirit. Nothing you hear on the news or through social media will prepare you the way My Spirit will, and without this YOU WILL NOT BE PREPARED no matter how much food, water, and supplies you stockpile, for remember the true battle at hand is a spiritual battle not a physical one. This reality is not to stop physical preparation but to remind you of that which is more important - My Spirit, My Word, My presence, and My voice. Let Me speak. Oh, how long to speak to each one of you. I have a lot to say to you. Seek Me My people for you will find Me, eager and ready to speak directly to you, to calm your fears, and to empower you with truth. Never, never, never think there isn’t time to sit at My feet. Don’t believe the enemy’s lie nor give into his major tactic of distraction. SIT AT MY FEET My people for the battle does indeed belong to Me, not you. Let Me empower you, equip you, sustain you, revive you, and give you My peace for you will not survive without it. My peace is crucial and essential. The most essential thing you will need and the more you seek Me and sit at My feet, the more you will have. Fill your storehouses with Me, with My peace, My Spirit, My Word, and testimonies. Testify. Testify. Testify. As you sit at My feet and experience Me, great testimonies will begin to arise like never before. As you experience Me more within the darkness and make these miraculous experiences known revival and empowerment will come to My people. My people, Satan doesn’t want this for he knows that this will defeat him. Revelation 12:11. This is why he wants you distracted, focused on the world, unable to be still before Me for all of this prevents testimony. It prevents you from experiencing Me in ways that will cause you to testify. Don’t give into his tactics. Stop, breathe, lay down your strife and troubled minds and sit at My feet. Open yourselves to experience Me and My Spirit anew and I promise you that you will. You will like never before. Don’t think that Satan and his demons are the only ones with a plan or mission. NO, I have one and it is greater, and it is victory. Therefore, get on board the winning side of history and truly live empowered for a time such as this, a time like no other. I love you. I promise peace, victory, hope, and a truly new day. Amen and amen.
So, this was Super Bowl Sunday and so my pastor’s sermon used a lot of football analogy. God used it to bring a lot of confirmation to God’s prophetic word. My pastor started by saying, “God knows the future… He has a plan… God has the other team’s playbook. We have an unfair advantage.” Amen!
He then read Acts 11:19 which really stuck out to me. It says, “Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was killed traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, spreading the word only among Jews.” As my pastor said, “This passage alludes to how at Stephen’s death the believers probably thought the enemy was winning. But Satan probably didn’t see this coming. However, God always has a plan.” God uses everything, EVERYTHING the enemy does for His ultimate winning play, His Kingdom come. Because of this, my pastor’s first point was, “When the pressures on keep playing. God has a bigger plan.”
2 Cor. 4:8-10 (NIV) says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”
Ephesians 6:10-20 talks about the Armor of God. As my pastor said, “When I read that, we’re not going on a picnic… we are being prepared for battle.”
Then in referring to putting on the full armor of God, he said, “Life is a full contact game. Dress for the game. Put on the full armor of God. God already knows the plays of the enemy therefore he knows how to equip us.”
He then said, “Christ died to accomplish salvation, we suffer to spread salvation and people are watching to see how we respond to it.” What a powerful statement.
My pastor’s second point was then “The power of team.” We are in this “game,” this battle together. We cannot win alone. 1 Corinthians 12 talks about the importance of the Body of Christ. Ecclesiastes 4:9-13 talks about how two are better than one. Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV) says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
At this point God spoke to me, telling me that it was time for another video series, series 3 which He told me to entitled “The Unveiling.”
If you have not read or watched video series one “God’s Unfolding Message” or my second series “God’s Mission Protocol” please pray about doing so for they are not outdated. The prophetic word that God brought forth through those series is then, now, and still on-going.
So here we have The Unveiling.
This fit in perfectly with my pastor’s third point, that we are to “Make disciples of Christ, to prepare and train others.” For, this is what God wants to use me for. This is what He wants to use us all for. Matthew 28:19-20a (NIV) says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Ephesians 4:16 (NIV) says, “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” 2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV) says, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”
What God then brought to my mind is something He said to me last November. He said:
Profitable. All My words are profitable. The more I speak, the richer you become. You are very rich Susan for I have filled your life with words. Words. Words. Words. I know you have become somewhat sick of words but how rich you are My daughter, truly rich, one of the richest. I have plans for your words Susan, plans beyond what you could ever come up with on your own.
Like I said before, God’s not kidding friends. I have the words. So much so that I have struggled for over a decade now, as you know, to know what to do with it all. But God in His goodness, as you can see from my thoughts about these words and the corresponding devotional I had, is addressing this now. It’s time to dive back in and well, get those select words ready to be UNVEILED. Maybe somewhat for me, but mostly for you. For, God’s words have made me rich over the years, but now it’s time to share that wealth with you. Not so that you can be jealous of me but inspired to know that God has spoken and that His words to me are His words to you. Likewise, His words to you are His words to me. We are one body. We are on the same team. Let’s start to truly act like it.
For, like my pastor’s last point said, we should be “Sharing one another’s burden’s.” Proverbs 11:24-25 (NIV) says, “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
He then read Acts 11: 27-30 (NIV) which really stuck out to me. It says, “During this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. (This happened during the reign of Claudius.) The disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.”
This passage sounds similar to events that I hear a lot about lately. There is a lot of need going on in the world right now. And God has spoken through many, including myself about a desert that is coming, a “famine” yet, as God also said, more important than preparing our physical storehouses is our spiritual storehouses. THIS is what my testimony, all those stored away words, is for. It is to prepare you as yours is to prepare me. The Body of Christ makes up numerous resources that will be available if we act like this first church. Physical needs will be met and spiritual needs through a storehouse full of testimony. In fact, God has spoken a lot about revival through me, that a revival is at hand and my friends it has begun. There are at least two revivals going on right now, one in Kentucky and one in California. I ended up seeing the testimony of one in Kentucky where a man got up and expressed his financial need, not able to get a job, and you should have seen the numbers of people that then walked up to the stage and flung money at him. WOW! That is the Body of Christ at work. For, not only did God provide for this man’s financial need, but this testimony of what God can and will do brought me to tears and has started a mini revival in me which is something I have been praying for. See how this is all going to work. Physical storehouses filled and spiritual ones. Awesome!
With this, it won’t surprise you why another past prophetic word from God came to my mind. Please hear it again for it sums up all of this. In September of last year God said:
New. New. New. My people I promise you new. No other Name in Heaven or earth can offer new, new beginnings. Remember that things grew darker for Joseph, all of Egypt, and the surrounding lands, for a great desert came, a great famine but THEIR STOREHOUSES WERE FILLED. They were prepared and as I provided for them and prepared them for the darkness that was upon them, will I not do the same for you? YES - A resounding yes. It has already begun - a great awakening. Call it what you will - a great awakening, revival, a move of My Spirit – its purpose is to fill those storehouses. It is to give each of My children a reservoir of faith that they can tap into an order to gain strength for the battle ahead. This is the purpose and power of a testimony. A testimony is a reservoir of faith that you can tap into when fear, frustrations, and trials come upon you. My very word, the Bible, is a reservoir of faith. Do you not tap into this Reservoir a Faith to gain strength for your battles? My Word is made up of people’s testimonies, of their experiences of Me. SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS and through this revelation know that I want you to experience Me the same way and testify to this JUST LIKE THEY. Aren’t you glad they experienced Me and then made these experiences known? Because of their faithfulness you have Me, you have THE WORD. My people you are within the times of Jude and Revelation and even though your stories, your experiences of Me are not written within the Bible, doesn’t mean I don’t want them written, shared, available to defeat the enemy. Arise. Arise and shine. Arise and shine and TESTIFY. It is time to testify to the TESTIMONY. I AM THE TESTIMONY. Experience Me and make Me known. It’s time. It’s time. It’s time. Amen and amen.
What came to my mind next was Joseph in Egypt and how God didn’t stop the famine from coming. He didn’t stop harder times from befalling His people. Instead, He prepared them for it. He used Joseph to prepare them for it. God wants to do the same thing now. He wants to bring forth all of our God-given gifts, talents, and testimony for a time such as this, a new season of preparation. So, with this, I will leave you with one last prophetic word that God gave on 1-8-23. He said once again:
My people, I am a faithful God. Everything I do exists within this attribute of Me. know then that if I have instilled desires within you, longings, that they will be fulfilled. Though you have waited long, I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT. I have had a reason for the waiting, truly great purpose. For within it I have refined you, disciplined you, sought you, cared for you, and truly loved you. I have never left you and I have not forgotten about you. I remembered Joseph. Though he was imprisoned, I remembered him when the time was right and I brought him before pharaoh for great purpose, for fulfillment. Oh, sweet fulfillment, you have a season, you have a destiny, and you WILL, WILL befall My chosen people. Dreams, visions, callings, purpose created just for you - I know you think that this world has stunted these things and created a new path in which these are no longer real or relevant. WHAT LIES. Lies the enemy greatly wants you to believe. But My children hear My voice now - the world is ready and has been primed FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. It is your time, your season, not to hide away in defeat and despair but to rise and shine and testify like never before. Hold your head high and remember who lives inside of you - THE FAITHFUL ONE on high. I am faithful. I am faithful and I will not disappoint.
(A couple appeared with their new adopted baby and sat in my row. They had yearned for many years for a child, to adopt a child, and almost thought that it would never happen.)
I am faithful. I am faithful. I am faithful. I am worthy of your praise. I instilled a longing within this couple for a child and though they went through the desert and reached the brink of hopelessness, I came through for them. I am a faithful God, faithful from one generation to the next. If I placed a desire in your heart then don’t lose hope. Know that it WILL come to pass and that if it feels you have waited long that I have a reason for that.
My true word to you today - in a world that seems to be canceling callings, visions, and truth, I am about to move like never before. I am about to pour out My Spirit like never before. Like Joseph you have been imprisoned but I am about to free you for a great purpose. Believe. Believe and rejoice. Amen and amen.
It’s not time to let go of callings and testimony my brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead, it’s time to unveil them. It’s GO TIME. The game is on and we ARE on the winning team.