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Time to clean house

Susan Shultz


Last Saturday (8-24-24), I went on my 16th visit to a museum that revolves around the birth of Christ in my home state of Kansas. On the way there, God then set the stage when I overheard a guest in our car explain how we could remember her name. She said, “It’s like Glenda, like the good witch in The Wizard of Oz.”

Once there, during the beginning lecture, like always, God brought forth a theme by something the leader was inspired to say. In referring to the stones this venue has from the Holy Land, He highlighted that “It isn’t about the stones, but about the people.”

A little bit later as I sat yet again near one of these precious stones, God spoke to me after which I had a vision. In the vision Jesus came towards me, looked straight at me, then sat next to me putting His arm around me. He then stood up and extended His hand to me. I took it, stood up, and we walked away. In my heart I knew that this moment was a sign that it was time to leave these rocks behind and to live the truth that they represent. It is time to stop just sitting by the rocks but to get up and start living for the Rock, finally applying all the revelations that God has brought forth from this place, but also just in my journey with Him over the last few years. With this on my mind, I then heard God say, “It’s not about the stones Susan, but My people.”

After we were then done looking upon this same stone as a group, our leader literally said, “My purpose is to talk about God providing a Lamb and God does this through people.” As a group, everyone then began to rattle off the names from the Bible who aided in this, bringing up such names as “Ruth, Esther, David, Mary” etc. He then conveyed how all these people somehow connect to the very place that all these stones represented. What then came to my mind is how from generation to generation these rocks have existed, and even though they still remain, the people do not. Their legacy lives on though and so shall ours. From generation to generation, we are next in line to carry the torch, to bring about the Word. It is about God’s people. Always has been. God has always used His people to testify, to bring about His Word.   

So, back to The Wizard of Oz. On our drive there, we stopped at a new gas station to use the bathroom. Glenda, really wanted to get a coffee and even though I encouraged this, she opted not to due to time. I then told her that they did have coffee at the museum. However, when we got there, they had already started and even though my group sat on one side of the room, I opted to sit where I normally sit, on the far side closest to the coffee station.

At one point, looking at Glenda from across the room, I began to wonder if she wanted coffee and I knew that if she did that, she probably wouldn’t feel comfortable getting up in front of everyone while the leader was speaking to get it. Not being a newbie, this didn’t bother me and so I ventured over to her and asked if she wanted coffee. With a deep sigh of relief and thankfulness she said yes and so I got her coffee. She thanked me profusely, and again on the car ride home. She just couldn’t thank me enough for how much she needed that coffee and she even began to testify, telling us that she had literally just thought about how much she wanted coffee when I made eye contact with her and she referred to this moment as “God kisses.” I could tell that she didn’t want us to think she was crazy but I encouraged her that these little moments are what comprise an amazing testimony and I told her “that God and coffee and I are very close.” I call my moments like this “God romancing moments” and my own personal testimony started with moments such as these over coffee. In fact, I have bonded with God over coffee for many years now, to the point where I call my times with God “Coffee Time.” I have also met with God and other members of the Body of Christ many, many times in different coffee shops all around the world. Although church buildings are important and serve a great need, the true Church, God’s people, can meet anywhere.  

Before we left the museum, my group decided to get their food from the car and sit in the main room and eat their lunch. I briefly joined them until something came to my mind that I hadn’t thought about until that moment. There has been a situation running through my life for a while now, someone in my life dealing with a difficult employee in their workplace. Although this employee apparently wore her mother’s clothes to the interview, after getting the job, she eventually let her true colors out when she exposed herself to be a wiccan, wearing satanic jewelry. I then began to hear story upon story about how she has brought chaos to this work environment.

Well, always praying for good employees, after a lot of prayer, God ended up opening a door for a strong Christian girl to apply and get hired. Not wanting this girl to have to work with the wiccan, I began to pray even more for God to cast this witch out. A glitch in their system then prevented the Christian girl from entering this job, delaying her employment. This same glitch was found to also be preventing people from seeing that this store needed new employees altogether. Ug! Just a lot of chaos and so I started to pray all the more and eventually this wiccan lady, on her own, gave her notice. Her last day was actually on this day that I was at the museum. And praise the Lord that the system got fixed. This Christian girl is now on her way to working there and hopefully many others. Out with the old and in with the new. Praise God. He cares!

But how this story relates to this museum, is that this girl ended up telling my friend, her boss, where she had gotten a new job and it was at a coffee shop that we both loved. It is a place that I literally just said out of my mouth, a few days before, has become my new favorite place, a safe-haven that I enjoy going to with my family. It also happens to be run by this museum leader’s daughter as a ministry. So, the last time I was at this coffee shop, I began praying that this wiccan girl would never even step foot in that place even though maybe she had been hired. I then wondered what else I could do without getting too involved and then this man come to my mind a few days prior to my visit to the museum. He was a connection that I had since I didn’t know his daughter.

At first, not sure I should do anything, and forgetting about this until after the tour when it came strongly to my mind, I then prayed that if God wanted me to bring it up that I would see this man and that he wouldn’t be occupied, and sure enough as I walked down the hallway, he came right towards me all alone. He accepted what I said well and took it seriously, calling the coffee shop manager right away and then his own daughter. He ended up finding out that his daughter had not hired this person. I did feel slightly silly after that, but in the end, I am now glad I spoke up because now his daughter can be on her guard. As an owner of such a business, especially a Christian ministry, I would love to know that my clientele are looking out for me in such a way. We must stick together. The House of the Lord must stick together. We must work together. We cannot remain silent.

Anyway, as the day went on, I just couldn’t get over the fact that there seemed to be some symbolism going on, for in the span of one day, I helped Glenda and was a vessel for God to help this “good witch,” get much needed coffee, and I also helped to cast out a bad witch, preventing her from ever working for a godly coffeeshop, a place I love to engage in with the Body of Christ, my family. So, I began to think even more about The Wizard of Oz, about how it is about a girl from Kansas, a small-town girl from Kansas whose house dropped on a bad witch. All these rocks after all, are in Kansas of all places. So, I began to ask God what He wanted me to learn from all of this, knowing somehow that He was speaking. What came to my mind first was the title of my original testimony. Years ago, when I was first called by God to write my testimony, it was going to be called “Why is a smalltown girl from Kansas writing her testimony for the world to see.” I now have the answer by the way. The answer is the next thing God said to me, to, “Bless the good, get rid of the bad. It’s time to purge, to clean house.” Just like my friend’s work environment, God wants to transform our environment, this world, through the power in the Word of our testimonies (Revelation 12:11). He wants to cast out the evil from among His people. He wants to lose His love. 

The next day in church (8-25-24), God spoke. He said:

I love you Susan, write these words down:

It is time to purge, to clean house. IT IS TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE, MY HOUSE. Clean it, Susan. Wash it clean THROUGH the Word, the Word of your testimony. Satan, his witches, the Jezebel spirit, has been trying to infiltrate My House, BUT NO MORE, for I am on the move. My Spirit is stronger, mighty, and ready to clean house - MY HOUSE. Believe. Believe that a new day is upon you My people, a truly new day, when you will experience the physical freedom you need to build My spiritual House. YOU ARE MY HOUSE. YOU ARE MY TEMPLE and it is TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE. Let Me cleanse you. Let Me renew you. I long to be near you, to speak new truths to you. I long for you to experience Me anew. Come to Me ALL who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL give you rest, renewal, and strength. Don’t believe the lies of the enemy. He comes to lie, steal, kill, and destroy, but I offer life - new life and everlasting hope. My hope never runs dry. So, if you feel that you are out of hope, return to the source. Sit at My feet and let Me fill you anew. I long to be with you, to spend time with you and in the process, show you, My perspective. I assure you that IT IS NOT WHAT THE WORLD IS TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW. Therefore, look up. Look to Me. Raise your heads high, away from your TVs and phones and look at Me, the author and perfecter of your faith, and your fate. I am your past. I Am your present, and I AM your future. Believe.

A new day has come. It IS here, the day My Spirit breaks forth. The reversal season has come, a season of great joy - TRUE JOY. Satan is a counterfeit. He knows what season has come which is why he is trying to create his own distorted version. BUT DON’T BELIEVE THE LIES for My JOY WILL PREVAIL. My joy is real, true, everlasting, and brings with it the true change My people need. I am hope, truth, justice, freedom, and everything you need to rise above the noise, the lies. Testify! It is ALL about testimony. THIS. THIS My people is how My people share TRUE news. Testifying gives way to My voice. Media comes from the word “medium,” someone who channels spiritual voices contrary to Me. Therefore, seek My voice and My true means of communication for I AM THE TESTIMONY. I have always spoken through testimony, the stories of My people, My true House. Therefore, if you belong to My House TESTIFY. Experience Me anew. Seek My face and as you do, I will move in your life, giving you stories worth testifying about. IT IS TIME FOR TESTIMONY. IT IS TIME FOR MY VOICE TO BE HEARD. I long to speak to you and through you, My people. Be Christ’s hands and feet AND VOICE for a time such as this. IT IS TIME TO RISE AND SHINE. I have you. I love you, therefore trust Me and My ways. Turn to Me. Turn back to Me and My ways and then see the deliverance from the enemy’s lies that will fall upon you. Be free. I am the God of truth.

My pastor then read Acts 1:8 which says, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” When I heard the word “witnesses,” I remembered that to testify is to be a witness. They are one and the same. He then went on to talk about how Satan knows how much we need the Holy Spirit and His power to do this and “so he wants us to think supernatural things are strange and all evil. He distorts.” But as he then quoted, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you (1 Corinthians 3:16)?” He then said, “I am concerned with those surviving on things that happened 30 years ago. God wants to do a new thing.” He finished by then quoting Galatians 5:16-25 and my ears perked up when I heard the word “witchcraft.” This was on the list. Galatians 5:16-25 (NIV) says:

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

It’s time to clean House. It’s time to rise and shine. Time, as the true HOUSE of the Lord to light up the darkness together as one through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit!!! If a smalltown girl from Kansas can do it, we can all do it. Let’s testify! Let’s defeat the enemy with the WORD of our testimonies! Amen and amen.




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